Sunday, October 7, 2012

Next meeting is Oct 10th

We will voting on the changes to the constitution.

Student Representative to Faculty Search Committee

Mary Wagner has asked SGO to find a student to serve on the committee.
We are looking for a newer student who still has at least two semesters left before graduation. Requirements include a commitment of 3-4 hours/week for afternoon meetings beginning about Nov 1 through Feb 2013 and attendance at SGO meetings to report on committee progress.

Little Free Libraries
PLG has made a request for SGO funds to build Little Free Libraries for SCU campus.
Come to the SGO meeting to learn more about this worthwhile project.

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Fall SGO meeting Sept 12th

Welcome back everyone and greetings to all incoming students.
The first SGO meeting of the 2012 fall semester will be Sept. 12th at 5:00, CDC Rm 17.
We will be re-organizing committees and making plans for the coming year.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to winter semester 2012!

Greetings to new and returning students!
We hope that the first week of class has gone well for everyone and that you are excited about the topics and projects coming up!

The first SGO meeting of the semester will be THIS WEDNESDAY, February 8, in CdC room 5 from 5:15 to 5:50!
Please come and give your input on what we should work towards this semester!