Sunday, December 4, 2011

The last SGO meeting of the fall semester!

SGO Meeting Agenda for December 7, 2011

5:15 Welcome and Introductions
5:20 Plans for Graduate Reception
5:25 Committee or Liaison News
5:30 Discussion & Vote on Revised SGO Constitution
5:35 Review Present Committees and Posts
5:40 Nominate & Vote Membership into Posts
  • Executive Committee (1-3 openings)
  • Communications Committee (ECM + additional opening)
  • Liaisons (ALA, PLG, SLA)
  • Advisory Council Committee (1 opening)
  • ECM to Department Meeting Committee
5:50 Additional Discussion, Questions, New Topics
5:55 Review Upcoming Dates & Dismiss

Also, the PLG/ALA children's book drive is on!  See here for more details!

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