Saturday, February 9, 2008

Curriculum Meeting

*I attended the Curriculum discussion on Monday (Feb. 4th) with 2 other students and 3 faculty. It was a small discussion and we got TONS of great ideas out there.

We are planning to have another discussion soon with hopefully MORE PARTICIPATION! I know you have opinions about the program - here is your chance to really share them and create REAL CHANGE!

Here are some of the topics we discussed:
  • How to create the feeling of a "cohort" in our program?
    • Cohorts create lasting relationships that can be a great help in our future professional careers
    • Cohorts can create support groups for our class work and scholarship/research
    • Social events on other nights of the week?
    • Social events during weeknight class breaks
      • In the past they have had small socials during breaks in evening classes so that people get a chance to see their friends who are not in the same classes
      • Each class responsible for food & each shares about their class
    • Require weekend retreat before starting first class?
      • Some programs require cohorts to continue meeting once or twice a year to develop lasting relationships
      • Could be fun community event; Habitat for Humanity? Other volunteer/cohort-building activities?
  • Curriculum grant is 3 year grant to revamp curriculum now that we are no longer following Dominican's schedule
    • 1st phase: reviewing CORE classes (701, 703, 704, 770)
      • How to prevent overlap?
      • Should these be required before taking advanced courses?
      • Should these be taken with the same group of people (to create cohort feeling?)
      • Introduce THREADS then build on those more as student progresses through program
    • Introduce THREADS
      • Threads include:
        • Ethics
        • Leadership
        • Critical Inquiry
        • Technological Fluency
        • Research Methods
        • Diversity
      • These will be introduced in modules in the beginning of program;
        • first: basic, background knowledge of subject
        • second: practical application of threads, specifically as it relates to the class topic (ie diversity in children's literature)
        • third: develop own understanding of topic; own vocabulary; refine understanding (ie ethical analysis)
  • More class topics we want?
    • There was a lot of discussion on other classes we want and other focuses for classes
    • If we switch our academic calender to include a J-term we could possibly have classes that look at more specific topics, more in depth discussions
    • Some other classes we wanted:
      • Grant writing
      • Non-profit management (not specifically related to libraries)
      • Advocacy (public policy)
      • Consulting
      • More corporate library classes
      • Technology (J-term internet basics, rather than entire semester)
      • Library theory (reading and analyzing classic library theorists)
      • OTHERS??
  • I will let you know when the next meeting will be and I hope to see you all there. Otherwise, let me know your thoughts, ideas, etc and I can bring them to the larger group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thought I had following the curriculum meeting is that during the summer we should plan some get togethers off-campus to talk about what students want out of the program. Off the top of my head, I thought it would be fun to schedule some open forums for LIS students at various neighborhood libraries. Any thoughts?